we provide you with our years of experience to give you the correct treatments to help restore your hairline and your confidence.Men, today a full natural head of hair is more important than ever.

Thinning hair, or complete hair loss, can have adverse effects on your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Here at Natural Look Transitions, we understand the male mentality when it comes to hair loss, and we have great news: you don’t have to go bald!

At Natural Look Transitions, you will be working with Edward Thacker a Master Barber Stylist / Master Hair Replacement Specialist with over 35 years of experience, who has perfected the nonsurgical hair loss solutions for men that you’ve been searching for. Ed and his trained Specialists use the latest technological advancements to provide the most natural looking hair restoration. Our team of Specialists will work closely with you for a personalized look and feel.


From our amazing undetectable nonsurgical hair grafts and our restorative laser hair therapy to the Revivogen hair loss prevention system, we provide you with our years of experience to give you the correct treatments to help restore your hairline and your confidence.

At Natural Look Transitions, we also work with men undergoing medical treatments and men with alopecia. We cover all the bases in our treatments to give you the totally customized solutions and solid results you want.

So ask yourself, isn’t it time for you to have a natural head of hair – the right way? The answer is always “Yes!”